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Hancock Debated Again

December 4, 1997
By: Beejal Patel
State Capitol Bureau

If the state auditor's office wins in the battle over the tax refunds, it would mean a devastating cut in state programs, including the education system.

From Jefferson City, Beejal Patel has the story.

OutCue: SOC

The state auditor's office is argueing taxpayers are owed about two billion dollars in tax refunds.

If the Supreme Court rules in its favor, it could mean a 40 percent reduction in the state's budget.

That means less money the state can spend on social programs, like mental health, public safety and education. Mark Ward, the budget director with the office of administration, said most state programs would be cut.

Actuality: Ward1
RT: :10
OC:"...would be severely compromised."
FILL:It would mean an immediate reduction in resources, like education, corrections, and public health.

It could take months before the Supreme Court makes a ruling.